Global sea freight prices continue last year's decline

Sea freight, also known as "international ocean freight transportation", is the main mode of transportation in international logistics. It refers to the use of ships to transport goods between ports in different countries and regions through sea lanes, and is the most widely used method in international cargo transportation.


According to BY56.COM, Ocean transportation is one of the most important modes of transportation in international commodity exchange, with cargo transportation accounting for over 80% of the total international cargo transportation volume.

In the maritime industry chain, the type of goods determines the position of the industry chain. From the perspective of transportation capacity and channels, the concentration of the shipbuilding industry is currently high, but there is no significant bargaining power in the industry chain. However, the distribution of chartering and freight forwarders is long tail, and the concentration is very low. From the perspective of the crude oil industry chain, more than 80% of global oil tanker terminals and 85% -90% of oil product sources are controlled by major oil companies, with strong bargaining power.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released the "2022 Maritime Review". The growth rate of maritime trade will slow down to 1.4% in 2022, and the average annual growth rate from 2023 to 2027 will be 2.1%, lower than the average growth rate of 3.3% in the past thirty years.

In the future, the development of maritime enterprises will be oriented towards restructuring and integration. While continuously improving the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, it is necessary to ensure the safety of transportation. The country will further implement control over key industries related to the maritime industry.

For more information on the container industry and the latest developments in maritime transportation, please follow Shenzhen CIMC Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. We will provide you with more high-quality industry solutions for intelligent containers, container shipping, Cold chain transportation and management, intelligent terminals and ports.

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Operations Manager: Summer Cheng

Tel:+86 18904704555


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