Significant progress has been made in the construction of Weifang Port's smart port

Weifang City is an important transportation hub city in China. As a national first-class open port, Shandong Port Weifang Port has seen an annual increase in port throughput of over 20% since its opening to the outside world in 2009.

In this context, Weifang City has taken the lead in carrying out the construction of the "Smart Port" project, improving the intelligent level of Weifang Port's shore collection and distribution system, production operations, warehouse management, logistics tracking, customs clearance supervision, and other aspects. It has built Weifang Port into a safe, efficient, convenient, green, and sustainable "Smart Port", becoming a new "business card" in the field of Weifang City's opening up to the outside world.

Based on the self built geographic information system of the port, the visualization management of the port area, storage yard, ships, vehicles, goods, personnel, etc. is achieved. The storage yard, berth, main loading and unloading and storage processes are centrally displayed on a single map, achieving the visualization of all elements of the port. Build a smart port platform that covers intelligent port supervision, intelligent port operations, digital port management, and comprehensive port services.

(Source: Pengpai News)


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